I had a dream that the Golden Gate Bridge was in flames.
The clock read 5:30am. I got up to drink a glass of water, pet the cats, and walked over to the window. It was dark, but clear, and the sky was glowing ultramarine blue. At that moment, someone turned on a lamp in the apartment across the alleyway and it radiated gold light. Wow, the colours.
I am not a morning person, so I took a quick photo for the jewel-like tones and crawled back under the covers. I think part of the reason I worked so hard to become self-employed was basically out of a simple, but burning necessity: so I can wake up and start my day whenever I want. I like the idea of mornings; the quiet sunrise, the fresh start, but I’ve just never found a way to participate in them successfully. Waking up to an alarm makes me feel like my veins are full of lead. It’s always been this way. My Dad is the same, he preferred working the midnight shift when I was growing up, so I think I come by it honestly; that night-owl productivity must be in my genetic imprint.
Some housekeeping before we continue; this post is free for all subscribers but if you’re able to support this project with a small monetary contribution you can subscribe or upgrade your subscription by clicking the button below.
I should also let you know that paid subscribers will be rewarded with advance access to the new Leathers single ‘Fascination’, so now’s a good time to upgrade your subscription if you want to be the first to listen!
Like my dear Nana from the previous entry, I love the ocean. I have lived on the west coast all my life but unfortunately I don’t get to the beach very often at home. We don’t have much of a thriving beach culture in Vancouver because of the rainy climate. Last time we were on tour in California, the band stopped at a beach for me in Oceanside so I could walk along the sand, feel the breeze, and touch the water. There’s a funny video of me yelling “I LOVE THE BEACH!” with Kendall as we frolic around in our Doc Martens and leather jackets. I’ll see if I can find it. Update: It can be watched here on TikTok 😄.
Fortunately, there’s a beach in my near future, so I bought a swimsuit a few days ago. Swimsuit hunting is a special kind of punishment. It can send even the most body positive humans spiralling into dysmorphia and insecurity. I had heard about a local company called Left On Friday, that was started by two former Lululemon designers, so I gave them a try with my fingers crossed. Well, my new swimsuit arrives, and right away I’m obsessed with the colours, it is highlighter pink and shocking blue. I tried it on and it gave me such an online shopping buzz, I danced around the house in my new suit. I feel beach ready!
Today, I am packaging and shipping A LOT of merch. I ship all of the merch orders for Leathers and ACTORS; those cute thank you notes on heart shaped Post-Its are handwritten by yours truly. If you’ve ordered something from us recently, expect a care package from us in the mail soon.
Do you have any interesting plans for the weekend? Let me know below.
I better get to it. Until next time 💙
The next time someone asks me if I’m a morning person, I’ll refer them to this post. The concept of morning sounds wonderful (the fall/winter season of lush fog as the sun begins to appear must be divine). The practice? Not so much. Both my parents are very much morning people. Clearly I did not receive that memo 😅 (They argue I was as a kid - I argue it’s because I was easily bribed in those days with cartoons!)
I especially like that image of the GG Bridge with the luminous gold! It is giving me ideas for the colour scheme when I frame my "Highrise" lyrics sheet, as part of a resin collage that is 3D and will have a 5-inch replica of a highrise glued to it!