Sep 27, 2023Liked by Shannon Hemmett

What. Are. We. Wearing. For. The. Halloween. Show????????????????? #RealQuestions

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Hahaha omg, very good question!!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Shannon Hemmett

Me too with the leather jacket!!!! 🤣

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Shannon Hemmett

Always so nice to hear from you. Two questions: are you familiar with French act Fragrance? Why no Leathers for Substance Festival? Okay, one more: what's new with Leathers? *ACTORS os good, but Leathers is better 🤠

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Hi Steven! Thanks for the questions! I will add them to the post next week 🤩

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Getting out my leather jackets is one of my favorite actions of early fall, but I have so many I can never decide which one to wear. I suppose it’s not a bad problem to have. Best of luck with the tour!

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Right?! I just have one leather that is my go-to at the moment. I have retired the well-loved jacket in the photo above, the lining completely disintegrated. I suppose I could get it relined, but it has a lot of history so I'd prefer to just let it be, shreds and all.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Shannon Hemmett

I agree, properly nostalgic items are best left in their natural states. I’ve kept my first leather jacket, as is, for similar reasons.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Shannon Hemmett

What’s everyone’s go-to snack & drink when you all are running between cities? Think we all know Jason’s is Red Bull (2 of them, right? 1 as a snack, 1 as a drink? 😆). What do you other 3 go for?

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Thanks for the question Page! I'll add it to the post next week. ☺️

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Shannon Hemmett

I also wore my leather jacket for the first time last week :)

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It's the most wonderful time of the year!

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023


As Leathers writes more material do you think there will come a point when these Actors and Leathers double feature shows will become too exhausting to do, or is it more a case of “well both bands are technically at this festival anyways so we might as well”

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In a lot of ways, it really feels like the post-punk scene in Vancouver is about to explode the way the grunge scene did in Seattle in the 90s.

There is a plethora of extremely talented bands and there is starting to be a sizeable variety, even in the post pandemic paradigm, of venues and promoters willing to host live shows for these bands, which are almost always well attended.

Actors seems to be the figurehead band at the moment driving this spearhead. Do you feel that way yourselves, and do you get the impression people in other cities get that impression of you?

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When you play w/ both Actors & Leathers together, do feel compelled to change your attire / aesthetic between the sets to separate their identities?

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That’s a great question!

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